Anyways we only had school from Tuesday to Thursday and I couldn't get much anything done. Well Howl's jacket is now done and I started making Yukimura's leg armors too. Also I tried my best to caught up with this seasons new anime series and gotta say that Sankarea and Sakamichi no Apollon are currently the best ones. I still should watch Zetman because it's full of awesome voice actors. But enough of that for now, gonna talk more about this later maybe.
On Friday we went to watch Iron Sky with my brother. It was awesome! I mean hey space Nazis attacking from the moon? Of course it's awesome!
My brother feat his 5 cheeseburgers.
lol at my dad
Hostess Kepa, fabulous ES "suit" and Heidi.
Sunday morning
I hardly ever have actual hangover but well I woke up around 9 am and well...ES suit took some damage when I rushed to WC and well I'm sure you guess what I mean. We just lied on the beds/mattress and had retarded jokes of my awesome Moomin pillow I took with me. I had my godchild's birthday parties and I'm really glad that he is only 3 years old. I must have looked like hobo and reeked of old alcohol and puke. Red Cat you traitor why I can't ever remember how fucking horrible hangover you get if you drink whole bottle + some booze. Not gonna repeat that mistake anytime soon.
They are watching you. Judging you. Staring straight to your soul!!
I'm going to dedicate whole next week & weekend to making cosplays even thought I had fun I had more than enough of socializing for next 2 weeks.
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